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The Model - Percus Piercing


Updated: Feb 20

Why has the shop changed?

I recently re-modeled my studio. In the past few months I have drawn/planned the shop refit. So far I have drawn and built all the shop cabinets, extended the piercing room and freshly decorated the whole shop.

Still to come, more cabinets, more Jewellery and a name change for the shop. (keep your eyes peeled)

So Why?

I use to have a range of alternative gifts in the front of the shop which I loved to bits, but I love piercing more! I was juggling between a gift shop and a piercing studio but personally I wouldn't get pierced in a gift shop so why was I expecting all my amazing customers to do so? (hats off they actually did)

I thought it was about time I made my dreams happen. Since my piercing career started I've always dreamt about my version of the perfect piercing shop. My dream in its simplest form was a crisp, classy, professional, piercing only studio that has a nice and well displayed jewellery selection. A studio where everyone feels welcome and unintimidated. Believe it or not some people feel frightened to enter some studios.

Why is the name Changing?

Simply, I feel the name does not work with the shop re-model, I think now is the time to "re-brand" and have a long term business name that fits the fresh business model. (You can read my next blog Named Percus.)

How long did it take?

  • About a year of thinking about it

  • A couple of months on and off drawing/planning,

  • 200 man hours to cut/build/paint the cabinets and desk,

  • 2 people, 15 days and nights of physically ripping apart the shop and re-fitting (approx. 260 man hours.)

How much did it cost?

Far far too much - Triple the original budget.

Was it worth it???

I love my Piercing Shop!

Why not come on down and get pierced and check the fresh space out?

Below are some picture " From drawings to reality".

Thanks for reading - Gregg

(If anyone has anything piercing related they want me to write about/discuss in future please send me an email) :)




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